About us

With Bidders you have one app for multiple actions. 

We are an international team of specialists from various fields, with experience in FinTech, FMGC and Sales. And we are on a mission to make money management an effortless and enjoyable enterprise.

We have developed a product that combines all the features that we needed, in one place.

Finance management has never been easier. Buy, sell, invest, and transfer crypto or fiat in a couple of clicks and from one platform on your device. No more cumbersome swiping and tedious authorisation processes all over again just to perform one simple action.

Our story:

We know a thing or two about cryptocurrency, about when, how, and what to buy. We ourselves have been active users of several platforms. One to trade, another to earn on investment and the third to make money transfers. 

And then it occurred to us – why have three different applications on your phone to manage your finances, when you basically just need one? 

And since we couldn’t find anything we really liked, we decided to create it ourselves.

Please welcome – Bidders!

What is Bidders?

It’s a smart e-wallet where you can keep your savings and earn an interest. But that’s not it.

You can also trade cryptocurrency and fiat and withdraw it any way you like.

On top of that you can make transfers to every corner of the world with one of the lowest fees on the market. 

Too good to be true?

Sign up and check for yourself!

Blog feed

Why multi factor authentication is important?

Why multi factor authentication is important?

You probably know what a multi-factor authentication method is, but for those of you, who still write their card PIN…

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